Fun & Bright One-Piece Swimsuits

Here's an original mesh for your girls - a 1-piece swimsuit without the flower piece. There are a total of 34 swatch options divided as so: 15 solids, 6 ombres, 13 patterns. The solid swimsuits are their own thumbnail in CAS while the patterns are contained within their own thumbnail.

In the download there are 3 packages, please choose carefully:

cfStylishOnePieceSwimsuitsSolids - Original Package needed for the patterns to show up.
cfStylishOnePieceSwimsuitsPatterns - Pattern swimsuits, they wont show up without the solid swimsuits.
cfStylishOnePieceSwimsuits_Merged - Both packages combined. If using this package, please do not install the other two.

PolyCount & Swatch Information:
Swatch Count: 34
Download File Size: 7 mb
Base Game Compatible: Yes
Recolor Template Included: n/a

Only for The Sims 4.
OneDrive or SimFileShare or MediaFire

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