The Practical Crib & Mattress

10.3.2016: I updated the mattress with the proper lower lods and shadow meshes. Please re-download the set if in game when you zoom out, you see a bed frame appear instead of the mattress.

Just a simple crib frame and mattress you can use in combination with Sims Studio's Baby without Crib Mod [PLEASE DOWNLOAD!]. Neither object has a footprint so you can pretty much place them anywhere without worrying about sims being blocked. There are 25 swatches for the crib, mostly solid colors, a few of peacemaker-ic's woods. The mattress is also mostly solids with 15 pattern swatches.

If you need help with how to use this crib, please visit Sims Studio's Baby without Crib Mod page. You can find both the crib and mattress in the kid's furniture section of build/buy or just search "Practical."

Included in the download:
Crib and Mattress Diffuses

Crib:  936 Verts / 474 Polygons
Mattress: 91 Verts /83 Polygons

Other Info
Swatch Count: 25/Crib 35/Mattress
Download File Size: over 8 mb
Base Game Compatible: Yes
Recolor Template Included: Yes
Custom Content Credits: [ 1 ]

Only for The Sims 4
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